"As a young boy, I would hike and camp throughout the Colorado wilderness. I marveled at the beauty and purity of it all: the crisp, clean air and the sound of wind rustling through the tops of ponderosa pine. Growing older I wondered: "Where did all this come from, how could something so beautiful exist?" In the back of my mind I knew it was God's creation, yet I suppressed those thoughts, not wanting to deal with the confrontation of God's existence and mine. Now as an adult, I have reconciled my separation from God through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, through whom all things are possible. So, it is my joy and honor to thank Him who has made the culmination of these images possible for you to enjoy." "You are worthy, our Lord & God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things . . ." Rev. 4:11
I've been a professional photographer for the past 40 years. Starting my career as a biomedical photographer at Colorado State University 1980. I then created my own business in 1985 as a studio photographer slowly shifting my focus to landscape and nature photography. After selling my work in galleries throughout Colorado for several years, I decided to fulfill my life long dream and opened the Illustrated Light Gallery of Fine Art Photography in Old Town Fort Collins, Colorado from 2002 to 2020.
My first book Colorado Fine Art Landscape & Nature Photography was published in 1998. I'm in the process of working on a new book, The Nature of Colorado. There is no release date as of yet.
Having won numerous awards in both black & white and color, I believe my work reflects the passion I have for photography.
Most of the images on this site have been photographed with a 4x5 Toyo large-format field camera. The two types of film that I use most are Fuji Velvia (ASA 50) and Provia (ASA 100) and TMax 100 for some of the black & white images. With the ever changing technology, I currently photograph with a Canon 5D Mark II. The ease of use enables me to photograph subjects I would have passed by with the large format camera. Believe it or not a number of images in my portfolios have been taken with a cell phone.